Lyndon Arena Groomer
Our harrows design & build team continue to have great success with the Lyndon Arena groomers throughout New Zealand. The versatility and easy-use of the Lyndon arena groomer, coupled with very reasonable pricing considering the professionally designed and tested features are generating truly satisfied clients across the country. Giltrap Agrizone in the Waikato have been very impressed, and following their own trials in October have decided to stock the Lyndon Arena Groomer to service the Waikato region. We value this support of our products, and with Giltrap Agrizone being the first reseller in NZ to stock the Lyndon arena groomer we wish them all the best with this new product line.
Remember to contact the team at Lyndon Harrows (0800 HARROWS) to find out who your nearest reseller is for our standard harrows, and call anytime to find out more about the options available with the Lyndon Arena Groomer.